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What kind of global governance could improve the fight against zoonotic pandemics ?

The emergence and spread of Covid-19 raises major questions regarding international governance, questions that are certainly not new, but which merit reassessment given the gravity of recent events and their consequences. This policy paper by Lucien Chabason, senior adviser at Iddri (Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales) for Terra Nova put them in perspective.
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Cette note est la version anglaise de la note "Quelle gouvernance mondiale pour mieux lutter contre les pandémies zoonotiques ?" de Lucien Chabason, publiée par Terra Nova et l’Iddri le 27 avril 2020.


The emergence and spread of Covid-19 raises major questions regarding international governance, questions that are certainly not new, but which merit reassessment given the gravity of recent events and their consequences. This policy paper by Lucien Chabason, senior adviser at Iddri (Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales) for Terra Nova put them in perspective. 

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